
Advertise with us

Hepatitis Voices (HepVoices) is an online English-language platform reporting news, stories, events and policy developments about viral hepatitis from all over the world.

Worldwide, over 300 million people are living with viral hepatitis unaware. Without finding the undiagnosed and linking them to care, millions will continue to suffer, and lives will be lost. Hepvoices will be utilized by more people infected/ affected with viral hepatitis as a tool of information and communications about this silent killer.

Hepvoices is a program under Giving Hope Foundation. For all advertising enquiries, please contact our administration:

Administrator: +256 751 292 686

We are happy to offer you competitive prices on a variety of online advertising options. Please contact  today for further details.

Support our Cause

Help keep us soaring

HepVoices is a volunteer-run viral hepatitis-focused website that needs your support.

We request for your moral and/or financial support that are key to keeping HepVoices running.

Here is how you can support us:

  1. Spread the word about us. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
  2. Contribute to the financial health of HepVoices.

We are able to issue a receipt that you could use towards your tax deduction.

We store none of your information when you contribute.