
Please help us to keep Hepatitis Voices running.

We are dedicated to increasing awareness, access to information and breaking the barriers around viral hepatitis. Your donation will be used for Hepatitis Voices, a project of the charity Giving Hope Foundation that contributes to a hepatitis free world.

  • We want to hire a dedicated person to keep HepVoices updated
  • You can also help us with small maintenance and annual hosting costs

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If you prefer to donate via (bank) wire transfer, you can send your donation to:

Bank:  Tropical Bank Limited
Branch: Pilkington Road, Kampala
Account Name: GH Foundation Ltd
Account Number: 0010376564
Bank Code: 06
SORT Code: 06147
Please use reference: HepVoices Donation

For any question related to your donation, please contact: Please use the subject line: HepVoices Donation.

Support our Cause

Help keep us soaring

HepVoices is a volunteer-run viral hepatitis-focused website that needs your support.

We request for your moral and/or financial support that are key to keeping HepVoices running.

Here is how you can support us:

  1. Spread the word about us. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
  2. Contribute to the financial health of HepVoices.

We are able to issue a receipt that you could use towards your tax deduction.

We store none of your information when you contribute.