Vittles employee handled food with hepatitis A infection, health department says

hepatitis A outbreak
Photo: AJC

Customers of a popular Smyrna restaurant are asked to monitor their health after it was discovered a worker handled food this week with a hepatitis A infection, authorities said.

An investigation by Cobb and Douglas Public Health found that a Vittles employee with the viral liver disease worked on Wednesday and served food to customers.

While it is rare for restaurant patrons to get infected by a food handler, anyone who ate or drank at Vittles on Wednesday is asked to contact their doctor to determine whether an immunization is necessary, health department spokeswoman Valerie Crow said Saturday. 

Most health care facilities and pharmacies carry the hepatitis A vaccine, but patients who need it are urged to call ahead to make sure it’s in stock, she said. 

The vaccination is also available for free at Cobb and Douglas Public Health clinics Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 

Vittles customers who went there Wednesday are asked to monitor for symptoms of an infection for the next 50 days. Crow said the restaurant patrons should wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water and contact their health provider immediately if symptoms develop. 

The viral infection can cause loss of appetite, nausea, tiredness, fever, stomach pains, dark-colored urine and light-colored stools, authorities said. Yellowing of the skin and eyes may also occur. 

Authorities said the restaurant is working with health officials to have its other employees vaccinated and monitored for the disease. 

Hepatitis A is transmitted when a person unknowingly ingests the virus from objects, food or drinks contaminated by small amounts of stool from an infected person, health officials said. 

Source: ajc

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