Hepatitis C patients to get free treatment in Punjab

State government to provide services at 25 centres

In a major move, the Punjab Government has decided to provide free treatment to hepatitis C patients. Earlier, the government used to provide free medicine, but a patient had to pay for screening. 

Under the National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme, drugs and diagnosis would be provided for free from September 1.Earlier, patient had to pay Rs 881 for Viral Load test. Now, this test would be done free of cost. Hepatitis C’s in treatment in private hospital costs around Rs 8,000 to Rs 9,000.

The state government would be providing treatment in 22 district hospitals and three government medical colleges, including Patiala, Amritsar and Faridkot.Hepatitis C is caused by a blood-borne virus which affects liver. It can spread through the use of injectable drugs, unsafe injection practices, unsafe healthcare and transfusion of unscreened blood and blood products. However, unlike hepatitis B, it is not sexually transmitted. There is no known vaccine for hepatitis C. A significant number of people infected with hepatitis C develop cirrhosis of liver or liver cancer.

Dr Gagan Grover, state programme officer, said, “We have an annual screening of 20,000– 25,000 patients in the state. It costs around Rs 2 to 2.5 crores. Now, this amount will be paid by the state government. The move will definitely benefit poor people.”

Sangrur worst affected

With an aim to eradicate hepatitis-C, the state government had started the “Mukh Mantri Punjab Hepatitis-C Relief Fund” in June 2016.

In a latest report on hepatitis C patients published in August, Punjab has reported 68,294 cases between 2016 and 2019. As per the diagnostic count, Sangrur has highest number — 8,616 cases followed by Tarn Taran — 5,936, Faridkot— 5,349 and Muktsar— 4,930 cases. 

Big step

  • In a latest report on hepatitis C patients published in August, Punjab has reported 68,294 cases between 2016 and 2019. As per the diagnostic count, Sangrur has highest number — 8,616 cases followed by Tarn Taran — 5,936, Faridkot— 5,349 and Muktsar— 4,930
  • The state government would be providing treatment in 22 district hospitals and three government medical colleges, including Patiala, Amritsar and Faridkot
  • Earlier, patient had to pay Rs 881 for Viral Load test. Now, this test would be done free of cost

Source: Tribune India

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