How hepatitis A spread across Kentucky and grew into the nation’s largest outbreak

Kentucky’s hepatitis A outbreak is the nation’s worst, sickening nearly 4,000 and killing 40 by February 2019. Nikki Boliaux, Michael Clevenger and Chris Kenning, Courier Journal

As she lay in a hospital bed, every part of Crystal Newsome’s body ached. She had yellowish eyes, a fever, and a sore, swollen belly.
“I was so sick,” she said. “I felt like I’d been hit by a truck.”

The 41-year-old recovering drug user from Prestonsburg had been stricken by hepatitis A, which has infected nearly 4,100 Kentuckians in what has become the nation’s largest outbreak of the disease.

Some state health officials contend that it could have been slowed more quickly — before it spread to 103 counties across the state, threatening some of the most impoverished, drug-plagued regions in America.

Before it sent nearly 2,000 people to the hospital.

Before it killed 40 Kentuckians.

This is the story of how the virus broke out of Louisville and swept through counties across Appalachia in the wake of a state response critics say was too little, too late.

The outbreak begins: Fall 2017

Since a vaccine came out in 1995, cases of hepatitis A, a once-common liver disease typically resulting in mild illness, dropped dramatically in the United States.

Until recently, Kentucky saw only about 20 cases a year, often from travelers who ate tainted food in developing countries.

But in August 2017, health officials grew concerned about cases in Louisville, with 19 by late November. By the end of the fall, roughly five new cases appeared every week.

Epidemiologists traced the strain to Utah and California’s San Diego County, where a similar outbreak in 2017 sickened 592 and killed 20. Hospitalization rates hovered near 50 percent because it was striking a population with existing medical problems. At its worst, nausea, jaundice, fever and dizziness could morph into liver failure.

Most of those getting sick were homeless or drug users, contracting the virus from needle-sharing or people touching their mouth with something contaminated with infected stool. But one in five people infected were not in risk groups. They were infected because the illness can easily spread through everyday contact. 

Gradually, cases appeared on Kentucky’s northeastern border in Boyd, Greenup and Carter counties, where nearly one in five residents lives in poverty and drug abuse is rampant.

To counteract the spread, area health workers held walk-in clinics and worked to vaccinate the at-risk at shelters, jails, needle exchanges and drug rehab facilities. 

On Nov. 21, 2017, Kentucky’s health department declared the outbreak had spread to 13 counties. Local health departments worked to vaccinate those who had been in close contact with victims.

But they faced a host of challenges.

People can carry hepatitis A without symptoms for up to two months. Drug users and homeless are far less likely than others to show up at doctors offices or health departments for a shot.

“You can’t wait for them to come to you,” said Katie Myatt, the state’s lead epidemiologist on the outbreak.

Louisville’s health officials spoke with their San Diego County counterparts, who spent more than $12 million fighting their outbreak and bringing it under control by nearly quadrupling the vaccines administered.

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The Courier Journal interviewed Kentucky health department insiders as well of dozens of public health officials and experts in its investigation into the state’s deadly spread of hepatitis A. It analyzed reams of reports and health statistics, obtained emails and documents and spoke with survivors and families of those who died in the nation’s largest outbreak.

Louisville, like San Diego County, had the advantage of being urban. Its large health department with around 220 employees could target concentrated groups in homeless shelters and the metro jail, as well as create partnerships with local groups to expand vaccinations.

They went to homeless camps, underpasses, viaducts and transient hotels, and embedded with social service outreach nonprofits. The city spent at least $170,000 in local funds. In April, Louisville received $250,000 in state vaccine money.

The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness ultimately administered 25,000 vaccines to high-risk people as part of more than 100,000 immunizations across Louisville to date.

As in San Diego, an influx of vaccine targeting the right people made the difference.

Less than three weeks before the Kentucky Derby, which last year attracted more than 157,000 people, Indiana health officials issued an unusual travel warning urging Hoosiers be vaccinated before traveling to Kentucky.

Dr. Jeffrey Howard, Kentucky’s acting health commissioner at the time, pushed back, saying travel was safe and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had called Kentucky’s response the “gold standard.”

But in late spring, as new cases declined in Louisville, they were rising sharply in rural counties.

The state’s guidance was similar: vaccinate those at risk at health departments, syringe exchanges, jails, emergency rooms, shelters and drug rehabs.

Through March, counties had ordered around 16,000 federally funded adult hep A vaccines from the state.

Carter County public health director Jeff Barker said his six-employee department initially ran out of vaccines in April for the uninsured and at-risk.

“People were calling every day, and we’re just having to put them off or send them somewhere else,” he said.

Adding to the challenges, county health departments had lost a combined $12 million, mostly in health provider positions, when state resources shifted amid the state’s Medicaid expansion.

Also, Howard said, some hospitals across the state initially were slow to vaccinate drug users coming into emergency rooms among concerns about would pay for the shots.

Near Ashland, Kentucky, hepatitis A was making headlines with news that restaurant workers had been diagnosed with the illness. One restaurant lost 70 percent of its business within days, according to the Tri-State Restaurant Association. At some, signs went up to reassure customers.

“People were freaked out,” said Erin Crace, the nurse supervisor at the Ashland-Boyd County Health Department.

Those fears prompted many who weren’t in risk groups to a weekly walk-in clinic, which at one point in April vaccinated nearly 100 people in a single hour.

But as residents worried about tainted food, the real culprit — addiction — fueled the outbreak’s race through the mountains.

Anatomy of a decision: Spring 2018

At the state health department in Frankfort, the question wasn’t how to stop the virus.

The best practice was to hit it hard and fast by vaccinating those most at risk. But there were no clear guidelines on how much to spend or how many vaccines to deploy.

“Because this has never happened before in this way, people were unprepared to deal with it … there was no precedent for treating a (hepatitis A) outbreak of this magnitude,” said Dr. Michael Brumage, assistant dean at the West Virginia University School of Public Health. 

The CDC, which was consulting with the state, recommended all homeless people and drug users get shots. Kentucky estimated it had about 96,000 illicit drug users alone.

And public health money was tight in Kentucky. Adjusted for inflation, the health department’s $76 million 2020 budget is almost 16 percent lower than in 2008, according to one estimate.

Overseeing the response was Howard, a 2014 medical school graduate who got his Kentucky medical license in 2018 and only recently was named to his first official state government job.

Among the staff advising him was Dr. Robert Brawley, who retired from the U.S. Navy Medical Corps before joining the department in 2006. He was part of a team that included epidemiologists, physicians, nurses and scientists.

As spring approached, CDC vaccine funding for Kentucky had been exhausted, a March 19 department letter said. It estimated the outbreak response would require $3 million in state funds: nearly $2.5 million for 90,000 doses of vaccine and another $508,800 for supplies and personnel.

Howard said he took into account that rural counties had other ways to get vaccine beyond special state money. They could order federally funded vaccine through the state, obtain private vaccines that would be reimbursed by Medicaid or insurance or buy shots with nearly $233 million in county health department reserves derived from local tax funds.

At the same time, Kentucky’s Medicaid program stressed the importance of vaccines and helped tens of thousands of adult recipients obtain shots.

Nikki Boliaux, Michael Clevenger and Chris Kenning, Courier Journal

But Brawley worried the state wasn’t moving fast enough.In May, Brawley confirmed, he proposed a stronger response: $4 million for temporary staff to reinforce health departments; and another $6 million for 150,000 vaccines.

That would pay for 10,000 doses in each of 10 affected counties — 10 times more than the money Howard sent — as well as 50,000 doses across counties with syringe services programs.

“I also propose that the governor be requested to declare a public health emergency for the hepatitis A outbreak,” Brawley wrote and underlined in a May 16 email. The declaration could help build the case to request federal funding, he said.

Brawley, who resigned in June, said he voiced his recommendations at three meetings, one with Howard.

Howard told the Courier Journal he didn’t remember a particular discussion with Brawley about the recommendations. But later in the interview, he cited the $10 million cost Brawley had proposed.

Howard said he never refused to find more money later if need be.

He acknowledged that a public health emergency was discussed, but said he did not believe it would trigger new money or remove regulations. Later in the interview, he said it might have bolstered the case for moving money from elsewhere in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, “but we never got to the point where we needed to do that.”

As for adding staff, Howard said nurses are expensive, and Louisville’s urban experience suggested that outreach teams weren’t the most efficient way to reach those at risk. But he also acknowledged that reaching people in rural areas can be much different because they’re more likely to be spread out.

“There was lots of conversations with our health departments, and staffing came up as a potentiality a lot of times. And we offered to pay for nursing staff, and we never had any takers for that,” he said. “Essentially, the message from my office was, ‘We’ll do whatever we can to help try to support you guys with the resources we have.'”

However, some county health department directors said they didn’t know they could get money for staff.

Under Howard’s plan, more than $2 million in agency funds went to 48 counties and area development districts. Most received $40,000, or enough to buy about 1,000 vaccines.

“We knew we could not fund every county for their entire outbreak needs. It would be impossible. It would be $20 to $30 million dollars,” Howard said. “So we had to balance what we had and what they had available.”

Sara Jo Best, president of the Kentucky Public Health Association, said she heard few complaints from counties about state resources or requests for extra staff.

Her own health department, based in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, partnered with jails and drug rehabs that already had health care staff to deliver the vaccines.

Many health departments across the nation “have dealt for so long with a scarcity mindset” and often may not push for added resources, said Brumage, of West Virginia University.

The money Howard’s agency sent to counties mostly targeted the at-risk, including the uninsured or indigent. Boyd County, for example, which eventually reported 170 cases, got $40,000 in August to purchase 1,060 vaccines, adding to 2,760 doses from vaccines funded by the CDC or state.

Disease cuts deadly path: June 2018 to now

Before getting the state money, Greenup County’s health director Chris Crum was scrambling to find enough vaccine to inoculate drug users and the homeless.

In June his department got the state infusion of $40,000, which funded about a quarter of the roughly 4,000 vaccines it eventually administered in jails, syringe exchanges and emergency rooms to the most at-risk residents.

While the department also got vaccines from Medicaid reimbursements, the CDC and their own funds, he called the state aid “a huge help.”

But like other health departments, it struggled to spend all the money quickly, partly because it didn’t have the staff to administer vaccines more widely. Nurses were diverted from programs such as preventative screenings, Crum said, and drawing down on minimal cash reserves for temporary nurses “was not an option for us.”

Crum said his department responded well but acknowledged that “having access to more vaccines earlier could have helped us level the numbers a little quicker.”

As health departments worked to reach the vulnerable, most other Kentuckians got their shots through private doctors and pharmacies.

Statewide, 223,291 adult vaccinations for hepatitis A were recorded on the state’s immunization registry between Nov 1, 2017, and Jan. 16 of this year.

Mindy Howard, a pharmacist at MedZone in Prestonsburg, said it gave out more than 230 vaccines between May and early January — some to people whose employers required them to get it.

But despite health department efforts, warnings and vaccines failed to reach many of the vulnerable who were most in need, and the virus cut a deadly path through coal country.Brandy Stafford on her brother’s death to complications from hep ABrandy Stafford lost her brother James Ramey to complications due to hepatitis A in November of 2018.Michael Clevenger, Louisville Courier Journal

James Ramey, 40, contracted it in Martin County, where he was born and raised.

The former coal miner and father of two struggled with drugs for much of his life, but his family remembers him as a generous guy who would give half his sandwich to someone who was hungry.

Years of intravenous drug use had given him hepatitis C. No one in his family had heard of hepatitis A until his girlfriend got it.

One afternoon, his sister Brandy Stafford noticed something strange when Ramey offered to help unload groceries.

“James, oh my God. Your eyes are yellow,” she told him.

She drove him to Highlands Regional Medical Center, where he was diagnosed with hepatitis A and sent home within a couple days. An appointment with a specialist he was told to see was a week and a half out, she said, and by then he was much worse. The specialist sent him back to the hospital, and he stayed for nearly a week.

Stafford requested he be transferred to the University of Kentucky’s Albert B. Chandler Hospital in Lexington, where doctors scrambled to treat him. But within a week, Ramey was on life support.

“They said it was like a bazooka hit him,” his father, Tim Ramey, said.

Briefly, “he kind of woke up,” giving Stafford hope.

It didn’t last.

He died Nov. 28, 2018, leaving a huge hole in their family.

“All my children I love,” Tim Ramey said. “But (James) was my heartbeat. He was my little funny feller.”More than just statistics: Family speaks about impacts of hep ABrandy Stafford and Tim Ramey lost their brother/son James Ramey to complications due to hep A.Nikki Boliaux, Louisville Courier Journal

Officials are hopeful the outbreak has crested.

State health officials described plans to help local departments vaccinate more regularly at jails, generally increase vaccinations, enlist more federally qualified health centers to administer vaccines, and continue to push out federally funded vaccine to counties.

Adam Meier, secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, said the state’s practice is to “constantly review, evaluate and study our public health responses to situations so the next time we are faced with a similar crisis we can make the most data-informed decisions.”

In recent weeks, however, deaths have continued to mount.

Earlier this month, Cindy Rosato, of New York, learned her brother, whohad disabilities and diabetes, died of hepatitis A at age 54.

Other relatives flew to Kentucky to pack up the belongings at his subsidized apartment near Hazard.

And they began planning a funeral.

Source: Courier Journal

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