World Hepatitis Day 2019 “Invest in eliminating hepatitis”

Story Source: WHO

During World Hepatitis Day 2019 campaign, WHO is urging all countries and partners to promote the theme “Invest in eliminating hepatitis”. WHO will release new estimates for additional investments needed to achieve globally agreed hepatitis elimination goals by 2030, in the context of the universal health coverage.

The campaign can help to achieve the following objectives:

  • to urge national and regional policymakers increase political and financial commitments for hepatitis response
  • to highlight WHO’s new costing estimates for hepatitis elimination within the context of health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UHC by 2030; and
  • to encourage people come forward to access hepatitis prevention, testing and treatment services.

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WHO welcomes Egypt’s support to 14 African countries in their fight against hepatitis C

Tue Jun 25 , 2019
Story Source: WHO Egypt has announced that it would be providing hepatitis C testing and treatment for one million people […]

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